Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Should I update this page?

I got a couple of emails and SMSes from friends asking why I am not updating this site. Indeed, why am I not?

Well, for one, I am out of town. So, I do not get the hardnosed sanitized BS from the media. Thankfully. I cannot also exercise my right to vote. The area I live in has been given on a silver platter to the incumbent. How would then I be able to show any care for this entire sham?

Just visited the site and instead of talking about issues of concern - like high salaries for ministers, non-transparency of government investments via Temasek etc. Instead, what do we see, ... never mind.

The government has successfully suppressed the use of alternate media like blogs and podcasts to deny CITIZENS - not politicians nor political parties - the ability to participate in this election.

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