Friday, June 07, 2002

It is nice to be able to have a grand view after spending 2.5 years in a enclosed place; very refreshing. I hope to make this a roaring success. Need to do some mindmapping of the business ahead.

(added in May 28, 2007)
Trying to get my cisco aironet 350 pcmcia card to work with a
linksys access point. Finally figured out that the pcmcia slot
was compiled for 32-bit and for the 350 to work properly (in
this case to be able to do a dhcp from the linksys) it has to
be a 16-bit code! Uh. Let's see.
Just returned to the blogger after a long hiatus.

Had an interesting day today. Fixed the problem of not being able to get into two machines that had SuSE as the distribution of choice.

Also got WEP working on the AP at work. Kinda nice to be able to do these minor things. Feels that I am still useful somewhat.

Enough. Sleep time.