I am deeply concerned that this country of mine seems to be tottering on an increasing level of non-tolerance for opinion that is not an echo of the ruling regime. Case in point is the humour challenged response to mr brown's blog-to-paper posting. Clearly there is a tripping of fuses that were held back during the election scam. Wong Kan Seng (a deputy prime minister at that) was shown to be wanting to place eloquent questions against James Gomez which were all then satirically put together by mr brown in a podcast. The humour challenged honchos at the ministry of information management had to bite their tongue and did not do anything - were they perhaps waiting for an opportunity to swing at mr brown? His column must have served as fodder and they chose to launch an attack which cost him his column with the rag that published his column. I am certain in the circles that got stung by the bak chor mee podcast, they must have popped a bottle (or two) of champagne. Will CNetAsia suffer the same fate?
The ruling regime would like the population to believe that they cannot possibly contribute anything useful (lack of talent you see) and that there are only a few "local talent" who can do things and so they shall be piled with a lot roles (a certain investment arm ceo comes to mind). But, I have, on the other hand, confidence that Singaporeans are brilliant people (save for those brainwashed by PAPy) and here's an example of it (No, I have no idea what the song is about, save that it is in Chinese - Cantonese I think).
(courtesy of YouTube)
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